Saturday, March 12, 2022

Future Artists' Gala Night


Mastering an instrument professionally demands years of ceaseless dedication, patience, resilience, persistence, and flawless focus.Being a musician and an artist takes a lifetime of commitment, lifelong learning, self-criticism, and improvement.

We develop not only the instrumental skills of our students but teach them creative and innovative thinking; we teach them how to master their minds and abilities. Most importantly, we teach them how to become the pioneers of their artistic approach.

On Saturday, March 12, 2022, QMA presented the first edition of the Future Artists Gala Night at Katara's Drama Theater. We recognized and celebrated QMA students of all ages, grades, and instrumental faculties within QMA. They have shown the great potential of having all those qualities and becoming the artists of the future.


QMA students Furkan Verim, Kate Elklayani, Michele Bou Harb, Karmah Gerges, Klara Horeczky, Adriana Chami, Qynn Zhang, Paul Gette, Eva Julie Renault, Aliya Alkhiyami, Jiawei Tang, Law Sze Han, Tarek El-Husseiny, Minghan Dai, Claudia Martinez, Asmaa Al-Saddiqi, Anne McChesney, Gyu Ryang Lee, Elisha Lee Chen, Carlo Fazlić, Georgina Harris, Lolwa Al-Salehi, Yara Alkasar, Almas Al Farhan, Zein Al Farhan, Zainab Kraishan, Toleen Abu-Harb, Aya Dawas, Jawad Jabak gave spectacular solo performances that night.

Our students’ professional level, stage confidence, and flawless performances were inspiring and encouraging. They have shown a clear and promising picture to the whole QMA family of the bright future of QMA.

We sincerely congratulate our future artists, their parents, and our colleagues, who have guided them and will continue to guide them through their remarkable journeys.